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Business Communication Fundamentals Every Employee and Manager Needs To Know

Communication is a fundamental and KEY skill for any worker or manager. There are five essential elements to good communication:

  1. Clarity: Communication should be clear and concise so that all parties understand what is being said and what needs to be done.

  2. Respect: Every person deserves respect at work.

  3. Understanding: Listen actively to what others are saying and it is up to you to ask questions if you do not understand.

  4. Responsiveness: Respond promptly to emails, texts, and phone calls when you are at work (or perhaps off duty). This shows that you care about your work and want to do a good job for your company as well as for yourself personally. Responsiveness is also wonderful for your image.

  5. Integrity: Always be honest with yourself and others. If you promise to reply or complete a task by a certain time or date, other people will depend on you to make other arrangements and promises to others. Would you rather have a reputation for breaking your promises and being late? Or would you rather have an impression of delivering on your promises and delivering on time?

So, which area will you focus on for today?

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